Population Dynamics

Population Models:

Exponential Growth:

Exponential Growth - growth whose rate becomes more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or size

The wheat and chessboard problem illustrates this type of growth. Thomas Malthus proposed that without constraints, populations grow exponentially, and it seems as though the growth of humankind has followed this growth curve until recently:

World Population

Limited Growth:

Effects of Population Growth:

Effects of Population can be good and can also be harmful as well. It gives more hands to overcome poverty. For thousands of years, there are many people hat are able to live comfortably, but many others were facing poverty. Many people that come from another country come to the United States because they are offered a better education, they have freedom of speech, and jobs pay well. By having an overpopulated world, there is a raise in unemployment and a high cost in living. In increases the percentage of people that starve because we are not able to grow enough food for everyone. An overpopulated world can also effect wild life. More animals can go distinct because of the increase of population. For thousands of years, there are many people that are able to live comfortably, but many others were facing poverty. Having jobs pay well. By having an overpopulated world, there is a raise in unemployment and a high cost in living. In increases

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